The Practice of Constancy

File Name: 67-09-12

Tuesday, September 12, 1967

verbatim transcript, from audio, tape noise, Title changed from "what is Bodhisattva" to "The Practice of Constancy" 12-23-2021. See newer Suggested Edited Version on Engage Wisdom.

In the last lecture we studied two Prajna Paramita of the six Prajna Paramita which is the Bodhisattvas' practice. The Bodhisattva—I didn't explain what is Bodhisattva. And Bodhisattva is a little bit different from Buddha. A Buddha is the perfect one. And Bodhisattva is the one who is—his purpose is—his motto is to help others before he help themselves. And this idea of Bodhisattva, is very deep and wide. In comparison to the idea of Bodhisattva, we have some other idea: sravakas. Sravakas ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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