
File Name: 68-07-23

verbatim transcript, from audio, Renamed in 2/2022 based on Engage Wisdom audio - old file name: 68-06-00. July 29th, 1968

[First words missed] ... asked me about the scroll right there. That is Bodhidharma -- Bodhidharma, the First Chinese Patriarch. He came to China, five, maybe -- we don't know exactly when. But 500, maybe 10 [510 A.D.] or 11 [511 A.D.], he came to China. He was a prince of some -- some country near India -- Koshi—Koshikoku [Kiji or Kijikoku later - Kashmir] in Japanese. And he was one of the many teachers who practiced zazen in India, and he came to China. And there is a famous story about ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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