some questions

File Name: 69-08-12

verbatim transcript, from audio, slipping tape on 2. Footnotes restored 12/23/2020. Change "another words" to "other words" 1-8-2021 pf. Changed "soup and the fish" to "soup of the fish" 1-31-2021 pf.

[I did not]1 prepare for tonight lecture anything. So I want you to ask some questions, and I will answer for the question, as I have nothing in my mind right now. Hai. Student A: Of the two types of meditation, the counting and the shikantaza-- the counting-- do you think that has more to do with ego purification? Roshi: The counting-- if you-- it looks like different from-- counting-breathing practice looks like different from the shikantaza. But actually, if you, you know, ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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