In the first instruction of ten instructions in Gakudo-yojin-shu

File Name: 66-12-17-A

Saturday, December 17, 1966

verbatim transcript, from audio, tape noise,

In the first instruction of ten instructions in Gakudo-yojin-shu,1 Dogen Zenji emphasize to arise the way-seeking mind. And way-seeking mind, according to him, is the mind to-- the mind to-- to have direct feeling of evanescence of life. When we feel the evanescence of life directly, we will not have any more ego-centered idea. And our practice will be quite pure and strong. And on each moment, we will do our best in our practice. That is the most important point in our way. And in the ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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