Samantabhadra Buddha

File Name: 68-01-12

verbatim transcript, from audio, frgmnt to :50 slowed downat1st spedat:43. Q & A after lecture. Footnotes restored 10/12/2020.

We are still studying about Samantabhadra Buddha. This buddha is told in Saddharma-- in Kegon Sutra.1 In Kegon-- Kegon Sutra is famous for its view of dharma. In Kegon Sutra-- the main thought of Kegon Sutra is perfect harmony with truth and various fact or things, and perfect harmony between every existing-- every existence. Jiji muge or riji muge.2 Most people knows this special technical term. Jiji muge and riji muge. Riji muge-- ri is truth or theory, and ji is ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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