Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-3

File Name: 68-10-00-B

Wind Bell: Teachings from the San Francisco Zen Center, p. 3
verbatim transcript, from audio, tape noise, Q & A after lecture.

I already explained nature of Nirmanakaya Buddha and Sambhogakaya Buddha. The Nirmanakaya Buddha comes out of this world to save sentient being, with vow—vowed that he save all sentient beings, not by karma, but by vows he appear in this world, and practice Boddhisatva’s way and attain enlightenment as Buddha did, and save all human being. So, he is called as a incarnated body. He changes, you know, his form in various way, sometime bodhisattva, sometime buddha. And to help people, he takes various ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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