science or philosophy is like a dissection

File Name: 65-07-30-B

verbatim transcript, from audio, see above. Footnotes restored 8-4-2020. Changed "not big" to "not dead"; "[4-5 words]" to "vivisect--vivisectors" 4/27/2021 pf.

[Tape operator: The sentence about "your mind"1 was in the meditation before breakfast, and beginning here is the instruction at nine o'clock Friday morning.] SR: I have to give the conclusion to my talk for this sesshin. The science or philosophy is like a dissection. It is possible to analyze what we did after we did something [1 word]. But it is already dead corpse [laughs]-- dead corpse of our practice. So even though you analyze what you have done, it will not work. It will ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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