Although We Have Nothing, We Can Help Others By Offering Things

File Name: 66-07-07

Thursday, July 7, 1966

verbatim transcript, from audio, audio exists,

“To benefit of -- to benefit others we have four types of wisdom: charity, tenderness, benevolence, and sympathy.”1 Student: Excuse me, what page is this? SR: Hmm? Student: What page? SR: Page 52 - fifty. The last part. “To benefit others we have four types of wisdom: charity, tender—tenderness, benevolence, and sympathy. These represent the desire and effort of bodhisattva. Charity stand opposed to covet—covetousness [SR pronounces this more like “curvaceousness”].” Here ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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