Suzuki Photo Database

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Fall, 1967
Oldest Group Photo at Tassajara.

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After the first practice period. L to R top row: Gossip Oak (tree), Jim Morton, _, _ (young couple from Midwest there summer & fall says Liz Wolf), Niels Holm, _, Buncie Shadden, EL Hazelwood, Liz Wolf, Tim Buckley, Kobun Chino, Chris Flynn, Mike Daft, _, _, Noah (dog), Doug Anderson, Nancy Lay.
Middle row: Bob Halpern, John Palmer, Paul Discoe, _, Helen Knox, Loring Palmer, Jack Elias, David Chadwick, Ed Brown, Louise Pryor (Welch), Dan Welch, Shunryu Suzuki, Clarke Mason, Bob Watkins, Sandy Watkins, Stan White, Fran Keller, Dot Luce.
Front: _, Ruthie Discoe, Peter Schneider, Jane Runk (Schneider), _.
Photo by Minoru Aoki
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