File Name: 68-10-00-J
verbatim transcript, from audio, slight noise, This lecture probably should not be considered part of the Lotus Sutra series, although that's how it's been identified for years. Another partial version is in hidden file 68-10-00-X (ID# 478).
Last—last lecture we studied about Mahakashapa. Mahakashapa, the—who became the second Patriarch, and who was always presiding the—Buddha’s sangha. And, I think, you must have many questions about him. And anyway, that is what we are studying—is not Zen, so-called it Zen Buddhism itself. It is—now we are discussing more original way of Buddhism. Before—even before various schools of Buddhism arised. So, there is a big difference. And this point should be remembered. Now, I'm not telling you ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).